Independence and death of Quaid-e-azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah

 Pakistan got independence on 14 Aug 1947. the last Viceroy of India, Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, announced that Britain had accepted that the country should be divided into a mainly Hindu India and a mainly Muslim Pakistan, encompassing the geographically separate territories of West Pakistan (now Pakistan) and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

War broke out with the creation of Pakistan fewer countries in the world faced war with their inception Pakistan is among one those countries Pakistan has dragged an unwanted war when India invaded Kashmir, just two months after freedom Kashmir was among those 560 princely states which had to decide among Pakistan or India Since Kashmir bordered with Pakistan and was Muslims majority state, so accession with Pakistan was natural But Kashmir's Maharaja Hurry Singh secretively affiliated Kashmir to India and started massacring pro-Pakistanis The Kashmiris revolted Thousands of tribesmen from Pakistan came to help their Kashmiri brethren When tribesmen with Kashmir fighters approached Srinagar Maharajah fled to Delhi. Where he signed accession papers with India After this, India landed his armies in Kashmir and captured Srinagar Douglas Grey was then head of the armed forces of Pakistan. On the other hand founder of Pakistan Muhammad Ali Jinnah was ill but was strong and his illness never stopped him from serving PakistanIn this era problems were huge, but the people of Pakistan were motivated by with financial crisis, Pakistan was facing the burden of 15 lac refugees who came from India after partition. Apart from these difficulties, one of the main issues was that there was no constitution of Pakistan then, So the British constitution of 1935 was enforced in Pakistan after minor changes.

Pakistan became a member of the United Nations on September 30, 1947. Iran was the first country who recognized Pakistan and Pakistan's national flag was first hoisted in France one other thing that only a few people know there was only one country in the world that refused to recognize Pakistan and the country was the brother Islamic country Afghanistan. These were the conditions when Quid e Azam was Brought to Karachi from Ziarat in critical condition when he arrived at the airport, he was looking very weak. A dysfunctional ambulance was sent with a nurse to receive him. This ambulance too stopped before reaching the Quid's house. Took an hour to arrive ambulance on another hand Ms. Fatima Jinnah was fanning her hand fan in ambulance this is still a mystery that sending a dysfunctional ambulance was a conspiracy or a communications gapIt is also said that Liaqat Ali Khan was not even aware of the arrival of Quid e AzamThe other excuse that is offered is that at that time there were only two ambulances in Karachi. One of which was sent for Quid e Azam maybe it was a historical communication error but many people still believe that sending a dysfunctional ambulance was actually a conspiracy when Quid e Azam arrived home, he was too weak to walk In the last moments there was no one with him except his sister Ms. Fatima Jinnah and personal doctor according to the people present there Quid e Azam's last words were ALLAH  save Pakistan after saying this Quid e Azam passed away 6 lac people were there in Quid e Azam's funeralAccording to the will of Quid e, Azam Allama Shabir Ahmad Usmani paid the funeral prayer And Khawaja Nazimuddin was appointed as the second governor-general of Pakistan.